Selah Moments: the Everyday Places Where I Find God


Church life and a faith journey can be a gritty and discouraging road. Taigan Bombay shares her own experiences, examining how faith is never a straight line. Through 54 stand-alone essays that deserve to be savoured, her vulnerability and punchy no-holds-barred approach is a refreshing and challenging invitation to reflect.

Humour, open-heartedness, and bold honesty make this an important book for any woman who feels alone and a little lost. Tackling big themes like identity, motherhood, ministry, and marriage, this book is the companion you need as you face life’s ups and downs.

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Taigan Bombay is a writer, dental hygienist, social media guru, and church planter. She loves river walks, road trips, Saskatchewan summers, coffee, Judge Judy, the colour black, and candy.

She began writing in 2009 after a prompting from the Lord to start penciling her musings on paper so that she could understand herself on a deeper level. Shortly after, she started sharing her writing on her popular blog, Selah. People felt a strong connection to her honest and vulnerable writing style.

Taigan loves to speak publicly at women’s events and conferences about her journey through motherhood, as well as her walk with the Lord. She occasionally podcasts with her husband and speaks at their local church, South Point.


“Taigan is a skilled writer who is able to quickly connect with her readers through humour and the ability to see themselves in a relatable, everyday, situation. She immediately holds the readers attention and can make regular life experiences into both hilarious and teachable moments.” - Char Quiring, Executive Director and Founder, Sisterhood Ministries Canada Inc.

“I appreciate and look forward to anything Taigan writes. I feel like she articulates so well honestly and realistically what happens as a parent. I can relate to everything she writes about mental health and it inspires and gives me hope that my struggles will one day become more of a memory.” - Sarah Whitehead

“Delightful! Taigan’s raw, honest, and often humorous insights into everyday life, love, and faith, will both inspire and challenge you. Her simple yet compelling ‘heart to heart’ style of writing is a true breath of fresh air.” - Donna Drisner, Pastor, PAOC, SK

“If you have a desire to read honest, vulnerable truths without religiosity, but rather for the intent to change your heart, then this book will capture you. Taigan lives her life with openness and shares raw truths that will make you reflect on your own journey and examine your own convictions and theology.” Rachelle Boschman

“I have read every single thing Taigan has blogged and put out and she writes so beautifully from her heart with such raw emotion and vulnerability. You won’t be disappointed in her book. Get for yourself and for a friend.. you will be glad you did.” - Aaron F.

“If you are looking for another book on simple steps to a good Christian life, this is not the book for you. Taigan Bombay’s writing is raw, real and not the typical “Christian” material. She pushes the traditional boundaries. However, her faith and relationship with Jesus is genuine. Long time Christians will be challenged in their thinking. Seekers will be encouraged to give Jesus a chance. Everyone will be released to live authentically.” - Elaine King, District Administrator, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Saskatchewan District Inc.

“Reading Taigan’s writing is an experience that always lifts the heart and soothes the soul. Taigan brings vulnerability, relatability with a large dose of hope, reassurance and peace. All of that with her perfectly sprinkled sense of humour. Her words reach down to the hidden, the parts you weren’t sure you could face. Taigan shines a light to show you’re not alone and makes the ordinary not only enough but how it’s in the ordinary that magic appears. Taigan’s writing is brave and it makes me brave.” - Megan Harrison

“Taigan writes with honesty, humour, and an invitation to the heart of the moment. She doesn’t skirt the real and the raw, but doesn’t leave you there either - you can’t help but follow her to hope.” - Lindsay Gallant

“I found Taigan’s blog from a friend years ago and her ability to be honest , real and open was what drew me in and kept me coming back! I have always felt drawn to her posts , her words were exactly what I needed to be reading at that exact moment ! I’m so proud of her for sharing your struggles and fears and reminding us that we are always enough ! Her words truly are a gift and I’ve been blessed so many times over by reading each and every word she has shared and poured out !” - Kim Mogdan

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