A Pumpkin From a Prayer


After the loss of a family member, Rae is feeling confused and sad. With many prayers and lots of love, Rae discovers that our prayers are always answered, but sometimes it’s in the most unexpected ways.

Paperback is 8.5x8.5 — illustrations by Heather Crawford

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Jen’s passion for children and love of education began young. Between working with children and being a mother, Jen began developing a skill for creating child friendly ways of explaining life’s most difficult moments. She is an Elementary Teacher, Mother of six children, Child Welfare Advocate, Wife, and Author.

After the birth of her first child, Jen and her husband experienced the loss of their second daughter. With little support for children and families experiencing this type of loss, Jen was inspired to write a book for her own children. This story offers hope, validates children’s emotions, and gives parents a starting point to discuss their grief.

Now, sixteen years after their loss, the O’Brien’s are busting at the seams and not taking a single moment for granted. Out of their loss, Jen and Donny, along with their two children, developed a deep desire to support their local community. They became a foster family and subsequently expanded their family through adoption. As a family, they believe that having faith and love will always turn the worst storms into beautiful rainbows.