CHP Secures Upper Middle Grade Fiction by Sarah Barkoff

Chicken House Press has just secured author Sarah Barkoff in a two book commitment for EMMY GOLD IS TOTALLY EXTRAORDINARY, a punchy and relatable upper middle-grade fiction series that reads like Hannah Montana meets Mean Girls.

A former child actress, Barkoff was inspired by her experiences travelling with Broadway plays and starring in a 90s horror movie. She poured her own memories into the creation of her main character and the result is a relatable, heart-warming, and funny journey into the experience of a young girl trying to find her footing beyond the spotlight.

Barkoff’s debut Young Adult contemporary novel, THE WANDERERS, was published with Evernight Teen in 2019 and was chosen as an Editor’s Pick. In acting, she is a proud member of both AEA and SAG. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from The New School, as well as an Associate of Fine Arts from The American Musical and Dramatic Academy of New York City.

EMMY GOLD IS TOTALLY EXTRAORDINARY is a contemporary novel with a humorous twist, appealing to fans of the FRIENDS series by Shannon Hale as well as the BETTER NATE THAN EVER series by Tim Federle with a projected late spring/early summer 2023 release.

When spunky twelve-year-old Emmy gets fired from a hit television show, everyone expects her to bounce back and land the next big gig. No one knows that Emmy self-sabotaged and purposely flubbed her lines to get out of the spotlight. Now all she wants is to leave NYC for good and retire to the New Jersey ‘burbs, so she can have a no pressure, ordinary life. But can life ever be normal again once your face has been plastered on everyone’s screen?

When you have a Mom-ager who spends most days plotting your comeback, and the Queen of Patterson Middle School, a wannabe actress out to destroy you, the answer is a big, fat nope.

Do you want to be part of the release team? CHP needs early reviewers to help create a stir and to give us marketable blurbs we can use in promotion. Sign up to be part of the review team today and you will be notified when we’re ready to start generating buzz for this incredible book.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

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