Rachel Freeman

Poet in the Wilderness
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Rachel Freeman grew up steeped in the church, attended a private Christian school for 8 years, multiple weekly services, church clubs, being actively involved in youth groups, singing in choirs and worship teams, short term missions and Bible college. However, these things she once counted as gain, she now considers loss, for the sake of knowing deeper faith. This does not mean that she no longer finds value in church community. She still attends and is involved in a local faith community that she loves and believes “get it a lot closer to right”. She is thankful they have taken their motto “Journey Together” seriously.

She is a poet living in the wilderness of liminal space that she is exploring with writing. She uses poetry as a tool to exhume the truth buried in the bible, to sort through what relics do not hold value and to polish the gems she discovers along the way.

Rachel took her sweet time realizing she was a writer, a poet, and an author. She always loved writing but didn’t believe it could be anything more than a passing fancy due to her struggles with dyslexia and self consciousness over poor grammar and spelling. Thank goodness for writing groups and good editors. Now she has had both poetry and flash fiction published and has written a fiction novel she is currently editing.

She lives in Kitchener, Ontario with her incredible husband who has supported her both physically and emotionally as she has followed her dreams. She has two fantastic children who have taught her so much about loving herself and others better. They are the greatest gifts she could have asked for and far more than she deserves.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.


Linda Kloosterhof


Elena Sherwood